The calf was tight on Monday and Tuesday, and loosened a bit Wednesday morning. The run was to be 50 minutes and started a bit later than usual, but that wasn’t a big concern since nothing was scheduled until after 10am. My work days can last deep into the evening, so if my morning starts at 9am instead of 7am I feel a twinge of guilt before convincing myself I shouldn’t be concerned. This particular morning, I felt good about it. It showed
running has become a priority.
A Florida August morning is warmer and more humid than most other places. The term "swampy air" seems appropriate. I was running a new route – a 5 mile loop that goes through four very distinct neighborhoods. When I was a little over halfway around, my calf stiffened so I slowed the pace to a fast walk. At an intersection, the driver of a car motioned for me to continue through the crosswalk, so I started to run and BAM! a knife-like pain hit my left calf. I hopped across the intersection on my right leg and gingerly pressing my left foot down, unable to put pressure on it. I stopped to slowly stretch and massage it. I continued limping for about 50 yards, debating the worst case scenario; calling my wife to come pick me up. It was around 7:30am, and her summer schedule would have her beginning the day. As I walked and thought, it loosened enough so I wasn’t limping and I continued the rest of the way home, iced my calf and limped through the rest of my day.
Disappointing. I had the Celebration of Running 5K today, and I missed it. The calf is still tight, and running won’t help it heal. The focus right now is on the Michelob Ultra Half Marathon on November 9th, and I can’t get off track. I realize now my “endurance pace” runs were being run faster than they should. In switching to Strava, I became hooked on the idea of Segments and beating previous attempts. My competitive self woke up and was proud of the progress I was making with the consistent effort over the past couple weeks. Instead of throttling back the effort, that competitive self took it up a notch. The result? Well . . . it was the end of 15 days of consistent effort where I either walked or ran every day.
I talked with my coach, and I’ll be switching things up a bit this week. Today I hit the gym. I designed a full body workout that was intense, and I’m a bit disappointed because I didn’t finish; a broken promise to me. The trip to the gym was another reminder that strength training needs to become a regular part of the routine. Stretching too. To that end, I’ll be taking a week off the road except perhaps to walk. So, here it goes . . . subject to change (based on my coach's input).
Sunday: 8:30am Yoga Class; 9-10:30am Abs; Back / Shoulder / Arms; 30 Minute Rowing Machine; 20 Minute Elliptical
Monday: 4:00am 30 Minute Walk; 4:30am Stretch / Ice 3 x (10am, 1pm and 8pm)
Tuesday: 5-6:30am Gym – Legs / Abs; 50 Minute Elliptical; Stretch / Ice 4 x (7am, 10am, 1pm and
Wednesday: 5-6:30am Gym – Back / Biceps; 60 Minute Elliptical; Stretch / Ice 3x (7am, 3pm and
Thursday: 5-6:30am Gym – Legs / Abs; 40 Minute Elliptical; Stretch / Ice 4 x (7am, 10am, 1pm and
Friday: 4:00am 30 Minute Walk; 5-6:30am Gym –Shoulders / Chest / Triceps; Stretch / Ice 4x (7am, 10am, 1pm, 8pm)
Saturday: 7:00am 50 Minute Walk; Gym – Legs / Abs; 40 Minute Elliptical
Sunday: 7:00am 50 Minute Run (Endurance Pace)
So there is my challenge - to keep this schedule for the week. Changes will be the result of my coach's input tomorrow. From there . . . it's about keeping promises I make to myself.