This week marks the first of the Take Down Challenge, a fitness program hosted by my trainer which comes with a nutrition plan coupled with a strength and cardio program. The cardio sessions require a heart rate no greater than 121bpm for 60 minutes 5 days a week, however my heart rate formula says no higher than 128bpm. I'm not in good enough shape to actually run and have my heart rate stay that low, so at this point it's a mix of fast walking and jogging. My goal is to get my body fat percentage below 20%, run pain free for 5 miles, do 15 pull ups, do 25 dips and address the strength and form imbalances I've experienced in the past few weeks.
This evening I went out for seven miles. It's the longest I've gone in a while. I ran early, walked much of the middle, and ran the end. I'm hyper sensitive about my Achilles, and I could feel the tightness in my pace when I jogged. Walking didn't bother it at all. I'll go to physical therapy tomorrow to see what Matt has to say about it. Even though I'm not breaking a 13:00 mile, I'm happy to be logging miles. And it doesn't seem to be bothering my Achilles too much (although the real test will be when I roll out of bed tomorrow).
Tomorrow it's another day with a focus on strength. Week 1 of Take Down Challenge, and Day 9 of the road to run Boston is tomorrow.