It's also the beginning of a new quarter. Looking back on the first three months of the year, the goals set were not achieved because they were not made a priority. I tell the kids that life is nothing but a series of habits and experiences, so make your habits intentional and your experiences amazing. The habit of health didn't stick in the first quarter, but now there's a new mission. There's a new motive. And there's a new energy around maintaining consistency. EVERYTHING BEGINS physically. I've always believed fitness and nutrition are foundation elements for anything successful. Now it's time for me to practice what I preach.
Strength and aerobic work will start tomorrow, building the foundation that will carry me through a summer of long runs in the heat of the Florida summer. As I compare now to where I was when I ran Chicago, I've learned SO MUCH about how my body works and what I need to do. Now it's time to do it.
Ready or not, here I come!