Three miles in the gym on the Stairmaster. Today I realized it’s not actually a Stairmaster, but a stepping machine built by Lifecycle. My calf felt pretty good today. The one difference is I applied KT tape yesterday. That stuff is AMAZING. I haven’t run with it (other than today’s gym experience), but within 5 minutes of putting it on my calf, the pain in my Achilles disappeared. As a result, I was tempted to hit the road but decided to play it safe and save up for thirteen miles on Saturday. Thirteen miles. Wow.
I started two hours later than I hoped, and realized I’m a hypocrite. I’m preaching to the kids the importance of setting good habits by first realizing what’s important to you. And I’m not practicing what I’m preaching. A few small changes can ave an amazing impact, and I need to make those changes. Writing down goals and plans is INCREDIBLY important. It’s a proven approach. While I’ve been telling that to the kids, I haven’t been practicing it myself.
Overall, the single greatest flaw in the program so far is consistency. I’m putting in the work, but it’s not at the same time which affects the rest of the day. It involves planning things the night before so everything is ready. It involves getting enough sleep. It involves getting the feet on the floor once the alarm goes off, and not THINKING. Just do.
It’s a new month. The second month of the quarter means new resolutions for the month of August. My goal for August is to complete a 16 mile run without stopping. The plan for getting there involves a focus on sleep and set routines. The challenge this month includes dealing with the beginning of school for the kids – which means finishing my runs by 6:30am. That’ll mean once the Wednesday run increases to 10 miles, I’ll need to start somewhere around 4am to be certain I complete it. I should start that time anyway – which means waking up at 3:30am and preparing the night before. Starting tonight, I’ll write down what I accomplished, the goals for the week, and the plan for the next day. Immediately upon waking, I’ll stretch and make coffee, get dressed, and start whatever workout I planned.
Tomorrow is an “off” day on the marathon training program, which means I’ll get up and do yoga. YouTube has been a blessing with several “Yoga for Runners” routines out there that do the trick. It’s more difficult to shut out the world when at home, but that just means more focus.
That’s boring. Consistency is boring. Being a hamster on a wheel in the gym is boring. But getting results is not boring. In order to deliver on my “Wait, wait, watch THIS” approach to life, consistency needs to be at the heart of what happens. That’s true with the marathon, and every other goal. Habits, habits, habits. Get better every day.
I started two hours later than I hoped, and realized I’m a hypocrite. I’m preaching to the kids the importance of setting good habits by first realizing what’s important to you. And I’m not practicing what I’m preaching. A few small changes can ave an amazing impact, and I need to make those changes. Writing down goals and plans is INCREDIBLY important. It’s a proven approach. While I’ve been telling that to the kids, I haven’t been practicing it myself.
Overall, the single greatest flaw in the program so far is consistency. I’m putting in the work, but it’s not at the same time which affects the rest of the day. It involves planning things the night before so everything is ready. It involves getting enough sleep. It involves getting the feet on the floor once the alarm goes off, and not THINKING. Just do.
It’s a new month. The second month of the quarter means new resolutions for the month of August. My goal for August is to complete a 16 mile run without stopping. The plan for getting there involves a focus on sleep and set routines. The challenge this month includes dealing with the beginning of school for the kids – which means finishing my runs by 6:30am. That’ll mean once the Wednesday run increases to 10 miles, I’ll need to start somewhere around 4am to be certain I complete it. I should start that time anyway – which means waking up at 3:30am and preparing the night before. Starting tonight, I’ll write down what I accomplished, the goals for the week, and the plan for the next day. Immediately upon waking, I’ll stretch and make coffee, get dressed, and start whatever workout I planned.
Tomorrow is an “off” day on the marathon training program, which means I’ll get up and do yoga. YouTube has been a blessing with several “Yoga for Runners” routines out there that do the trick. It’s more difficult to shut out the world when at home, but that just means more focus.
That’s boring. Consistency is boring. Being a hamster on a wheel in the gym is boring. But getting results is not boring. In order to deliver on my “Wait, wait, watch THIS” approach to life, consistency needs to be at the heart of what happens. That’s true with the marathon, and every other goal. Habits, habits, habits. Get better every day.